I’ve been practicing Slim & Shape Yoga for about a month now. I like it very much so far. It already became my favorite yoga class. I like Slim & Shape Yoga because after class I feel very relaxed. I believe that's because the entire class we train our breathing during the different exercises. Some exercises can be quite challeging. For me, it feels like we train the legs and the belly muscles the most.
Since I started with Slim & Shape Yoga my legs became stronger and more defined. Another benefit of this type of yoga is the effect on my digestive system! It makes me feel good for the entire week! I highly recommend Slim & Shape Yoga to everyone. It's not too easy, neither too intensive. Everyone can keep up during this class. In general Slim & Shape Yoga offers a great combination of exercises. It's an easy going yoga practice that gives you a relaxed feeling, but it will also help in achieving amazing body results!
~ Gisele Lima sports at Yoga Point Woerden.